Activate Account

Activate your new seeran grades account.

If an account is found with the provided credentials we will generate and send a One Time Passcode for the account to the email address, which will be used to verify your identity on the next page.

Enter your first name, also known as your given name, exactly as it appears on the consent form you submitted. This name is used to identify your account and personalize your seeran grades profile. Ensuring accuracy is critical, as discrepancies could lead to account activation delays or issues verifying your identity.

Enter your last name, also referred to as your family name or surname, exactly as it was written on the consent form. This name is typically used to represent your family or lineage and forms a key part of your identification in the system. Providing the correct last name ensures that your account details align with official records, helping to maintain consistency and avoid mismatches during verification.

Enter the email address that you supplied on the consent form. This email address serves as the primary communication channel and is crucial for account access, notifications, and recovery. Double-check that the email address is entered correctly, as any inaccuracies may prevent you from receiving important updates or accessing your account. If your email address has changed since submitting the consent form, ensure it is updated through the appropriate channels to avoid complications.